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Don't Know How To Choose Toys? 0~6 Years Old Age-Specific Toy Buying Guide is Here!

January 18, 2021

Many parents have bought toys for TA since the baby was born, and carefully selected expensive toys. As a result, the children just played for a while and threw them to the corner to collect dust. In fact, there is also knowledge to choose toys for children. On the basis of ensuring safety, it needs to be selected based on the characteristics of age and stage of development. Today, Toy Suppliers will come to talk to you about how to choose toys for 0-6 years old.

0~1 year old toy recommendation

Babies at this stage like to look at people with their eyes and hear people’s voices, and are interested in moving and sound-producing objects. In the first year after birth, their hand grasping ability is getting better and better. Put the caught thing in your mouth and suck.

Toys suitable for babies at this stage are:

Don't Know How To Choose Toys? 0~6 Years Old Age-Specific Toy Buying Guide is Here!

Recommended toys for 1~2 years old

At this stage, children have more and more control over their bodies. They start to walk and can climb stairs. They like to listen to stories and can start talking. You can pile up items, push them down, take them out of the container and put them in again. You can gradually understand the social uses and usage of common items, and start to like pretend games.

Toys suitable for children at this stage are:

Don't Know How To Choose Toys? 0~6 Years Old Age-Specific Toy Buying Guide is Here!

Recommended toys for 2~3 years old

During this period, children walk very smoothly and like to try various actions, such as running, jumping, rolling, climbing, etc., and can also complete some fine operations with their small hands, hoping to complete some things independently. Their language skills are developing rapidly, they can express their needs and feelings, and they can better carry out pretend games like playing home. Similarly, this time is a good time to play Parent-Child Toys together.

Toys suitable for children at this stage are:

Don't Know How To Choose Toys? 0~6 Years Old Age-Specific Toy Buying Guide is Here!

Recommended toys for 3~6 years old

As they get older, the children’s problem-solving abilities are getting stronger, and they can run, jump, drill, and climb steadily physically, and their large-muscle movement skills have been well developed.

They can complete puzzles with more pieces, or construct more complex building block models, and start to use Colored Pens and painting pens creatively to participate in artistic activities such as fine arts and music.

Toys suitable for children at this stage are:

Don't Know How To Choose Toys? 0~6 Years Old Age-Specific Toy Buying Guide is Here!

However, each child is unique and the pace of growth is also different. Therefore, the suitable age group of the toys recommended above is not completely fixed. You can try to relax the age range appropriately on the basis of ensuring safety.

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